Digital Marketing Service for Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is defined as the process of traveling to various areas and countries for receiving medical care. In pursuit of the treatments “regionally, the term refers to the travelling pattern of patients from developed countries to developing nations.

In the past few years Medical Tourism in India has taken giant forms. Since the global recognition of India’s skill in the medical sector have increased. It is fast attracting people from various diverse and remote corners of the world. With the lowest costs and high standards of health care facilities.


  • Are you looking for marketing ideas?
  • A healthcare professional searching for  ways to improve online marketing strategies?

If Yes, then you’ve landed on the right page. Experts has compiled there knowledge to educate you about online marketing for Medical Tourism, healthcare providers, and other medical offices.

Medical tourism statistics:

  • Bariatric surgery (gastric by1pass, gastric banding)
  • Fertility Lreproductive system (IF, gender reassignment)
  • Organ, cell and tissue transplantation (organ transplantationN stem cell)
  • Eye surgery
  • Diagnostics and check upsCosmetic surgery (breast, face, liposuction)
  • Dentistry (cosmetic and reconstruction)
  • Cardiology Lcardiac surgery (by1pass, valve replacement)
  • Orthopaedic surgery (hip replacement, resurfacing, knee replacement, joint surgery)

Medical tourism ( doctor and patient ) benefits

  • Social media information affects the way people deal with their health.
  • Research says that 18 to 24-year-olds are more likely than 45 to 54-year-olds to search for health-related issues on web.
  • 90% of users, say they trust medical information shared live
  • Most of the people have at least one health app on their phone like weight, diet,  exercise apps.
  • About 60% of the doctors beleive online media improves the quality healthcare delivered to patients.


  • Attract and convert more customers.
  • Find target audience and attract qualified leads.
  • We help you speak to ideal audience. Stop wasting budget on underperforming ads. Our experts are advertising specialists will help to reach the right audience affordably.
  • Stop waiting, attract them. Paid advertising campaigns help you to do that.
  • Right strategies can get more leads .
  • Automated marketing
  • Leads into sales conversion.
  • Video marketing can work better and convert traffic.
  • Leads with more efficiency.
  • Medical tourism is one of the quickest and largest growing industries in the world.
  • Medical Tourism in India offers low cost, or cost effective, medical treatments with no waiting lists and accessibility of skilled and experienced doctors so medical tourists around the globe are flocking like never before.
  • Expectation is the Medical Tourism continue to grow up at a rapid rate and they continue to offer medical treatments to tourist.
  • Digital Marketing Strategy for Medical Tourism
  • Digital marketing must be an important part of growth strategy. If in case you are a hospital, clinic or individual doctor looking to reach more patients.
  • Online marketing can boost your medical brand.


Organic search (SEO) is a way to drive qualified warm leads to your site.


This is where warm leads live – people searching for exactly what you do. You claim that prized screen space for business,  by paying to show up above organic results.


It’s an extremely accurate way to target new leads.


Retargeting to show people your message again.


Automatic, segmented email campaigns allow you to follow up with leads who don’t book their requested consultation.


“lead to patient” funnel step, there is an opportunity for leakage. Web advertising plug those leaks to get you optimal conversion – from lead to consult and consult to patient.

Keywords Research on the patient’s needs

  • Social media in Medical Tourism (Facebook and Twitter)
  • It pays a vital role.
  • Earned media value is increasing faster.
  • Our expertise help to build reputation in all the right places.

The foundations of social media marketing:

  • Declaration of Identity
  • Identity through Association
  • User-initiated Conversation
  • Provider-initiated Conversation
  • In-Person Interaction
  • PPC – Google Adwords in Medical Tourism
  • CPC or cost per Click is one of our core elements of our SEO services as they generate huge traffic easily.


  1. PPC is a well-planned approach as it is up to the latest trends.
  2. It can bring unique innovations to brand name.
  3. The experts at SEO Raisers will thoroughly examine brand’s presence on Google altogether considering budgets.
  4. We have the accurate strategies from petite business hubs to multinational ecommerce brands.

Pay per Click includes:

  • Local Paid Search
  • CPC Optimization
  • Goal creation
  • Banner and Display Advertising
  • Account management
  • PPC Campaign Management
  • Keyword research and targeting
  • Detailed reporting
  • Online Reputation Managment for Medical Tourism


  1. Company’s or brand’s reputation can be affected due to any reason.
  2. Website, blog, forum or anything online can be tarnished with a hit and run poster
  3. One negative campaign with no validity can malign and taint the reputation and integrity in very short period.
  4. Negative video on YouTube damage to short-term and long term profits
  5. A rumor on Facebook or Twitter can hurt your image beyond repair


  1. Very few people will look beyond page 2 of the search results returned.
  2. If your website isn’t on page 1, competition stands a far better chance of getting the sales.
  3. There could be thousands, even millions of hits Even, if you are targeting the exact key phrases that are searched.

Medical tourism quality of care advantages includes –

  • Specialty treatment
  • Treatment-cum-leisure destination
  • Availability of medical experts
  • Low-cost consulting fee
  • Low treatment cost
  • No waiting period for treatment
  • Availability of advanced equipments
  • The most well-known medical services that are growing at a faster rate in India and are also included as a part of medical tourism advantages.

The medical doctors provide treatments for:

  • Eye surgery
  • Spine surgery
  • All types of bone and joints treatments
  • Cosmetic surgeries
  • Blood vessel treatments
  • Stomach related treatments
  • Heat related treatments and surgeries
  • Ayurveda treatments and therapies
  • Dental treatments
  • Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
  • Laser hair removal treatments
  • Hair implants and treatments
  • Spa and beauty treatments
  • Infertility Treatments

Traditional methods of alternative treatments that India offers

  • Meditation and Yoga
  • Ayurveda
  • Music Therapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Aroma Therapy
  • Naturopathy
  • Pranic Healing
  • Reiki

Benefits of Medical Tourism India

  • India is leading country, it has best qualified professionals in various fields.
  • Indians are working at Top positions with best companies and organizations around the globe.
  • Medical Facilities and Amenities in India, Indian doctors and hospitals both are on par with International standards.
  • They are cost effective compared to International counterparts.
  • State of the art Hospitals along with the best qualified doctors are undoubtedly the best attraction for any patient to get his / her treatment in India.
  • The cost advantage factor works like a Icing on the cake.
  • Patients or tourists gets to experience the best infrastructure, quality Medical treatment facilities, at affordable prices. Because of this factor.
  •  Leveraging its cost advantage and top quality treatments, Medical Tourism Industry in India is Booming at a veryrapid rate,
  • India is one of the best and the cheapest medical tourism destination.


  1. It is a big opportunity for Indian hospitals due to the favorable economics.
  2. The costs are less compared to any other country
  3.  In some countries like Africa (Nigeria, Botswana, Zambia), the facilities are not available in the persons country.
  4. In other countries like in the Middle East/Gulf region (Dubai, Muscat, Doha, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc) there are a large diaspora of Indians who would prefer to get treatment in India.
  5. Vrious gulf regions like Oman have a large community of arabs who have close friendship with Indians. They are more comfortable with Indian doctors and nurses.
  6. Medical tourism from developed countries can be driven due to long waiting time for surgeries, or due to the cost factor.
  7. Cosmetic surgeries and similar procedures are also a big dra.
  8. Many medical tourists do not have insurance to cover non essential treatment in their own countries.
  9. The “medical tourist” is primarily a tourist looking to relax and travel during their recuperation time.
  10. Medical tourism are concerned about cleanliness, safety and privacy of their condition/illness.


Tourism is traveling for predominantly recreational and leisure purposes. It’s the provision of services to support there leisure travel.

  1. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who “travel and stay outside their usual environment for not more than single consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from the place visited”.


  • Medical tourism industry in India is currently earning revenues of about $333 million.
  • It is the incredible pace of growth exhibited by the industry.
  • The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and McKinney have predicted that the industry will grow to earn additional revenue of $2.2 billion by coming years.
  • For brighter prospects for the industry, the hospitals acquire international accreditation, integrate traditional and clinical treatments.
  • Hospitals allow foreign patients to pay through credit card and ensure proper support services to foreign patients after they return to their countries.
  • The Indian Government also reinforce its support through quick visa processing, it improves flight connectivity and infrastructure development.
  • Well compared to other medical tourism destinations, India inevitably take a lead.
  • Due to the cost effectiveness of treatment available in our country.
  • Suppose a UK patient who plans to travel to a medical tourism destination has more chances of saving better if he/she decides to visit India than say. India leads.
  • India have tremendous openings for procedures like bone marrow transplant, heart transplant surgery, knee replacement surgery or even cosmetic body contouring.

Our keywords of focus:

  • Medical tourism marketing strategy
  • Marketing medical tourism
  • Business plan for medical tourism
  • How to market medical tourism
  • Marketing strategy for medical tourism in india
  • Medical tourism business plan ppt
  • How to promote medical tourism
  • Medical tourism business model
  • Companies for medical tourism in India
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