Google Ads Suspended for Violating Circumventing Policies in Travel Airlines Ads Banned.

Google Ads Suspended for Violating Circumventing Policies: Fixing Travel Airlines Ads: A Guide Google Ads Banned for Violating Circumventing Policies.

Consider yourself the owner of a travel agency that works for airlines reservation, flight bookings, cancellations, and updated tickets who depends on Google Ads Marketing to bring in travel business and calls leads.

You are getting good Google ads and excellent results with search campaigns, call-only campaigns, and discovery ads with the Google ads budgets you used to set up your campaigns. You are pleased and assured that your Google campaign advertisements are reaching and converting your target travel market.

However, one day when you check into your Google Ads account, a red message stating, “Your account is suspended due to circumventing policies,” appears. We have suspended your Google Ads accounts to assist stop any unwanted activity.

You’re perplexed and surprised. What went wrong? How may this be fixed? How do you bring your advertisements back online?

You’re not the only one if this situation sounds similar. Stopped Google AdWords accounts for breaking restrictions is a common issue that many travel firms have encountered. As a result of losing access to your adverts, data, and clients, this is a severe problem that could ruin your company.

However, remain calm. You can overcome this circumstance and resume running your advertisements. The definition of bypassing policies, their significance, and their effects on travel airlines will all be covered in this article

In addition, we’ll walk you through the process of challenging Google’s judgment and determining which policy infractions led to the suspension of your account. Lastly, we will discuss some best practices to help travel airlines prevent future Google Ads suspension.
Let’s go ahead and begin.

Why are Circumventing Policies Important and What Does it Mean?

Aiming to safeguard the privacy and security of its users, advertisers, and publishers, Google has a set of advertising policies. Applying to all advertisers using Google’s platforms, these regulations address a range of topics related to ad content, format, destination, and conduct.
Circumventing Systems is one of these policies, and it says the following:

Because Google doesn’t want consumers to believe anything they don’t see online, we don’t let advertisers run ads that try to get around our ad review procedures or other enforcement mechanisms. This involves but is not restricted to, engaging in activities that go against our systems or policies, cloaking, using dynamic DNS to change the content of pages or ads, hiding or deleting information, giving false or insufficient contact details, or removing information.
Stated differently, marketers are prohibited by this policy from utilizing any strategies that aim to mislead or fool Google’s users or systems. Several instances of getting around systems include:

  1. • Cloaking: diverting people to a website or landing page other than the one that Google has authorized by displaying content to Google’s crawlers that differs from what is displayed to users.
  2. • Malware: is the use of software or code, such as viruses, spyware, ransomware, or phishing, to damage or jeopardize the security of users’ data or devices.
  3. • Misleading content: refers to the use of information that is untrue, erroneous, or misleading; examples include making exaggerated claims, leaving out important details, or adopting the identity of another individual.
  4. • Click trackers: refer to the use of third-party technologies or services to monitor and control user clicks. This can involve disguising the true destination of advertisements, rerouting users to dangerous websites, or inflating click counts.

In addition to being immoral and dishonest, these actions damage Google’s and its advertisers’ reputations and confidence. Additionally, they detract from the user experience since the advertisements that consumers see or click on may make them feel deceived, irritated, or in danger.
Because of this, Google views infractions of this policy as grave. Should Google discover any infractions of this policy,
it will immediately and without notice terminate the advertiser’s Google Ads accounts, and the advertiser will never be permitted to run ads on Google again.

Travel Airlines Ads: How Does Circumventing Policy Violation Affect It?

Because they operate in a highly regulated and competitive Internet advertising market, travel airlines are among the businesses most impacted by policy violations. Travel agencies must abide by local laws and regulations about travel advertising as well as Google’s policies, including those about availability, costs, and fees as well as disclosure of pricing.

Certain travel airlines can use system hacking to obtain an unfair edge over rivals or to evade Google’s inspection and enforcement.
For instance, they might employ cloaking to conceal any terms and restrictions that would have an impact on the user’s reservation or to present users with cheaper costs or better offers than Google. Additionally, they might fool people into visiting their websites or clicking on their advertisements by using malware or deceptive material, or they might use it to steal their financial or personal information.

But these strategies not only carry risks and are against the law, they also have unintended consequences. Google continuously changes and enhances its policies and enforcement, and it possesses sophisticated systems and tools to detect and prevent circumvention of processes.

Any travel airline that is found by Google to be breaking the prohibition against circumventing systems will have their account immediately and permanently suspended, and they will forfeit all of their advertising campaigns.

Travel airlines must so abide by Google’s rules and regulations and refrain from hacking into systems. They will not only be able to prevent account suspension by doing this, but their reputation, performance, and ad quality will all increase.

How Can You Find and Correct the Policy Violations That Led to the Suspension of Your Account?

You could feel powerless and angry if your Google Ads account is suspended for breaking the rules. If you take the appropriate measures and recover from this condition, you may be able to have your account reinstated.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find the policy violations that led to the suspension of your account, rectify them, and file an appeal with Google:

Step 1: Go over the suspension email and the specifics of the policy infraction.

You will receive an email from Google detailing the specifics of the infraction when your account is suspended. The email will contain the following details:

  • > The justification for the halt, such as “circumventing systems”
  • > The policy, such as the “Circumventing Systems policy,” was broken
  • > The impacted account ID and website address;
  • > The procedures for resolving the problem and contesting the ruling

Go through the email attentively and comprehend the rationale and guidelines for the suspension. For additional information on the guidelines, standards, and examples of the policy, you can also visit the Google Ads Policy Center.

Step2: Fix the Policy Violation

Next, the policy violation that resulted in the suspension needs to be fixed. Modifications to your landing pages, advertising campaign, and ad copy may be necessary for this. A violation’s nature and seriousness will determine which, if any, of the following steps you need to take:

  • Some cloaking techniques and elements that need to be eliminated from your website or landing page are redirects, dynamic DNS, and hidden content. Verify that the content you show to users aligns with the content you show to Google’s crawlers and that the content matches the content and destination of your advertisements.
  • Eliminate any malware, including viruses, spyware, ransomware, and phishing schemes, from your landing page or website. After scanning your website or landing page using a trustworthy security tool or service, fix any issues or vulnerabilities it identifies. You may also use Google’s Safe Browsing tool to determine whether your website or landing page is safe to browse.
  • Take down any deceptive content, including false statements, information that is left out, and impersonation, from your website or landing page. Aside from giving users all the information they need—such as terms and conditions, availability, costs, fees, and taxes—make sure your content is factual, concise, and easy to understand. Additionally, you can use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to determine whether the content.
  • Remove any third-party services or click-tracking software from your website or landing page that tracks or modifies user clicks. Make sure people can discern the destination of your advertisement and that your landing page or website does not lead them to any other websites or pages than those that Google has authorized.

Step 3: Seek assistance for Google AdWords.

After you have fixed the policy infraction, you should get in touch with Google Ads support to ask for help in getting the suspension lifted.

As you ask them to examine your landing page and account, give them a thorough rundown of the actions you made to resolve the policy violation. Engage with the support staff patiently and persistently.

Step 4: Make any necessary payment information updates.

You might need to update your payment details to confirm your identification and billing address if the suspension of your account was due to your payment behavior.

To accomplish this, sign in to your Google Ads account, and pick Billing & payments from the Tools menu. Next, select Payment Methods, and modify or include a legitimate payment option. Verify that the payment method is the same as the details you gave Google Ads support.

Step 5: File an appeal

You can file an appeal to ask for a reconsideration of your account suspension if you have resolved the policy violation and been in touch with Google Ads support. By going to the Google Ads account suspensions page and selecting Get Started, you can accomplish this. You must provide the following details to file an appeal:

  • Your e-mail address and name
  • The rationale for the appeal, such as “Dispute decision” or “Made changes to comply with policy,” together with your Google Ads customer ID
  • The advertisements or campaigns you wish to challenge;
  • A justification of your belief that the suspension of your account was an error, along with the modifications you made to address the policy infringement.

To submit Google your appeal, click Submit. Google will analyze your appeal and send you an email within a few days to let you know their verdict.

Step 6: Keep an eye on your account and adjust as needed

You can get back to your advertising if your appeal is accepted and Google reinstates your account. To make sure your advertising is running correctly, you should, nevertheless, frequently check in on your account.

Pal Digital Media: The Complete Handbook

Pal Digital Media has the know-how to handle suspensions of travel advertisement accounts and get around policy problems. With this experience, they can provide customized solutions that will guarantee your ads keep expanding.


Navigating the storm of travel airlines’ Google Ads suspended due to circumventing policies requires a blend of strategy, compliance, and resilience.

Remember this as we get to the end of our journey: even though the digital skies might be unpredictable, your travel airline ads can still succeed if you have the correct information and strategy. So, fellow advertisers, how are you going to break through obstacles and reach new heights?
Ready for a more seamless journey?

Pal Digital Media is available to assist. Contact us now, and allow us to help you navigate the upheaval caused by suspended travel advertisement accounts. The sky is the limit, after all!

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